RJ Snell

R.J. Snell is Editor-in-Chief of Public Discourse and Director of Academic Programs at the Witherspoon Institute. Snell is the author of Through a Glass Darkly: Bernard Lonergan and Richard Rorty on Knowing without a God’s-eye View (Marquette, 2006), Authentic Cosmopolitanism (with Steve Cone, Pickwick, 2013), The Perspective of Love: Natural Law in a New Mode (Pickwick, 2014), Acedia and Its Discontents (Angelico, 2015), Lost in the Chaos: Immanence, Despair, Hope (Angelico 2023), and co-editor of Subjectivity: Ancient and Modern (Lexington, 2016), Nature: Ancient and Modern(Lexington), Mind, Heart and Soul: Intellectuals and the Path to Rome, as well as articles, chapters, and essays in a variety of scholarly and popular venues. He and his family reside in the Princeton area.