Making Missionary Disciples Track

There is a lot of talk in the Church today about evangelization and missionary discipleship, but what does it look like and how do you live it?


The Making Missionary Disciples Track at SEEK shares practical vision for leading others to Jesus and the Catholic Church and forming missionary disciples.

The Making Missionary Disciples Track, exclusively in Columbus and Denver, is for YOU!

green star
green star

Christ calls every Catholic to the mission of evangelization.

The Making Missionary Disciples Track


Receive formation in the Catholic Church’s vision for missionary discipleship.


Gain greater competence and confidence to live as a missionary disciple in your parish, family, workplace, and local community.

Simply add the “Making Missionary Disciples Track” in registration at no additional cost.

“If you want to learn about God and what God has to offer to you, to me, this is the place to come.” 

– AINSLEY BRUCE WALTER, Past Participant

Small group training

Don't stop there!

The Making Missionary Disciples Training Workshops 

Receive training in evangelization and discipleship in the Making Missionary Disciples Training workshops. 


Be equipped with practical training and learn skills to lead others to encounter Jesus Christ.


This year we had over 40 parishes sign up to come together to learn…The Making Missionary Disciples Track really is a launchpad for mission.

– BRIAN MILLER, Director of Evangelization and Discipleship for the Archdiocese of St. Louis

The Making Missionary Disciples Track easily fits into the morning SEEK schedule.

Designed to allow participation in daily Mass, afternoon general impact sessions, powerful evening keynotes, and uplifting entertainment.

The Making Missionary Disciples Track is January 2, 3, and 4, beginning after daily Mass with complimentary coffee at 10:00 am and concludes each day at 12:15 pm at the start of the adult lunch break.


The Making Missionary Disciples track is for diocesan and parish leaders– clergy, DRE’s, youth ministers, sacramental prep leaders, volunteer small group leaders and Catholics of all ages and professions who want to see their parishes and dioceses transformed for Jesus Christ.

SEEK is an opportunity to gather with thousands of others learn the method modeled by Christ to reach the world with the Gospel starting in your home, parish, and local community.

Be encouraged in mission by gathering with others who have a heart for those not yet living a life of discipleship.

Absolutely! While the heart of the Making Missionary Disciples Track is the same—the Church’s vision for living as a missionary disciple—each year we focus on a different theme and cover different training topics in the Training + Small Group as we gather leaders from around the country to inspire and encourage one another on mission.

Other trainings and conferences do a great job teaching basic evangelization skills but rarely is the emphasis on equipping missionary disciples who can not only teach others but who can cooperate with the Holy Spirit to raise up leaders and send disciples to make more disciples. Our unique training approach focuses on teaching teachers who will make an impact.

The Making Missionary Disciples Track and Training + Small Group option is open to all General attendees at no additional cost! Simply opt-in during registration.

The Making Missionary Disciples track is for diocesan and parish leaders from across the country – clergy, DRE’s, youth ministers, sacramental prep leaders, volunteer small group leaders and ordinary Catholics of all ages and professions who want to see their parishes and dioceses transformed for Jesus Christ.

During registration, you will have the choice to opt-in to the Making Missionary Disciples Track and Training + Small Group. While this is not required, we highly encourage it if you want to get the most hands-on application of real-world evangelization! 

You will be trained by experts who have lived missionary discipleship in the parish, receive a training workbook, and gain practical experience teaching others in your group. If you choose not to participate in the Small Group, you can attend Impact Sessions on prayer, evangelization in the parish, family life, and more! 

Perhaps as a FOCUS alum formed in missionary discipleship on campus or a diocesan or parish leader who has attended other trainings on evangelization, you are asking if you should participate in the Making Missionary Track. Other trainings and conferences do a great job teaching basic evangelization skills but rarely is the emphasis on equipping missionary disciples who can not only teach others but who can cooperate with the Holy Spirit to raise up leaders and send disciples to make more disciples. Our unique small-group training approach focuses on teaching teachers who will make a generational impact.

SEEK is an opportunity to gather with thousands of other leaders like you to learn from the method modeled by Christ to reach the world starting in your home, parish, and local community. Be encouraged in mission by gathering with others who have a heart for those not yet living a life of discipleship.

Yes! We want to encourage parishes to bring a group of leaders to be trained and participate in a Making Missionary Disciples training small group together. That’s why we offer parish pack event passes for groups of six non-student attendees. Contact us for more information.

We believe that the SEEK conference experience and practical tools you will be equipped with through the Making Missionary Disciples Track + Small Group Training are well worth the time investment! If you work for a parish, ministry, or other faith-based organization consider asking your employer to consider this as professional development.

Late arrivals or early departures are not ideal, but will still allow for participation in the main content of SEEK.


Experience SEEK and connect with thousands of people seeking to hear the call and live differently. There’s something in store for you at SEEK!


Booking for a Group

  1. Request your sub-block by October 25th using this link.
  2. Confirm your desire to use group housing; set up your hotel portal login (provided by our housing partner, HPN Global) to begin uploading your rooming lists or send a specialized booking link to your members of your group so they can book their rooms.
  3. Update your needed hotel room quantity per the outlined group block policy. Be sure to cancel any unused rooms prior to the conference or you will be charged no show fees by the hotel.

Important Notes

  • The cost of your hotel room is not included in your registration.
  • You will be required to enter a credit card to guarantee your reservation, but no deposit is required upon booking. Group Payment is available if organized with our housing partners HPN Global in advance.
  • Blocks are assigned on a first come, first served basis. The sooner you request your block, the better chance you have of being placed in a hotel of your choice. The assigned hotel having desired amenities is not guaranteed.
  • Submitting a request is not a commitment; it is an expression of interest in group housing.
  • When submitting your request, estimate high on how many rooms you will need, especially if you are not traveling with a set number of people and may later need to add rooms (it is easier to drop rooms than add.
  • Request any additional rooms by November 15. Please note that it may not be possible to fulfill your request due to availability.

Booking Individual Hotel Rooms

Upon completing your SEEK registration, you’ll be able to continue on to the SEEK hotel portal to book your hotel accommodations. If you’d prefer to book at a later date, you can also go back to the hotel portal using the link in your SEEK confirmation email.

In the portal, select the property you’d like to stay in and enter the information for yourself and any guests in your room, including your SEEK confirmation number. SEEK’s housing partner, HPN Global, will send an acknowledgement email of your hotel booking once confirmed.

Important Notes

  • The cost of your hotel room is not included in your registration. See below for an overview of available rates.
  • You will be required to enter a credit card to guarantee your reservation, but no deposit is required upon booking.
  • It is recommended to book your hotel by December 15, but for best availability, book your room as soon as possible. Hotels will fill up as the conference approaches.
  • If you are no longer able to attend, you will need to cancel your hotel reservation separately from cancelling your conference registration to avoid being charged no-show fees.
  • You’ll be able to list any special requests during the booking process.
  • Upon completion of your booking, you will receive an acknowledgement email from our housing partners HPN. You can access your booking directly through this email to make any changes or cancellations. After December 15, email HPN email for any changes or
  • When you arrive onsite for SEEK, be prepared to put down a credit card for incidentals and to pay for your room at the end of your stay.